For the Chinese New Year 2020
In the late evening hours the moon completes its monthly cycle and the new moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is a visionary and in the coming days let’s thinks of new ways; new goals that need changes and refinement. Fresh and new creative beginnings get a boost with this energy. We have power and will (Mars in Sagittarius) to undertake new businesses, ideas and thoughts are “wild” and innovative (Mercury is in Aquarius). A red flag warning comes under Neptune in Pisces, it may hinder us with our decision-making (we tend to see a situation more ideal than it truly is). Nevertheless, the Sun’s strong aspect with Uranus pushes us to move forward, sometimes too eagerly and zealously. We are still under Saturn and Pluto’s influence; hence our steps should be carefully thought and planned.
Nova luna v vodnarju
V pozno večernih urah luna zaključi svoj mesečni cikel in nastopi prazna luna (je ne vidimo). Tokrat je v znamenju vodnarja, vizionarja. V dnevih, ki sledijo, si zadajmo nove cilje, ki kličejo, po spremembah, novih kreativnih začetkih. Imamo moč, voljo (energija marsa v strelcu), da se lahko lotimo novih poslov, ideje in misli so prodorne in inovativne (merkur je v vodnarju). Neptun v ribah nas ovira pri odločitvah (lahko vidimo situacijo bolj rožnato, kot dejansko je), a močen aspekt Urana s soncem nas sili, da se premaknemo naprej, tudi s silo, zato previdno, naj bo pot tlakovana premišljeno in preudarno (še vedno se čuti vpliv Saturna in Plutona).
Na Kitajskem bodo dan po novi luni praznovali novo leto, po kitajski tradiciji bo prevladovala podgana. Po pričevanju naj bi bilo leto podgane rodovitno in srečno za vsa znamenja kitajskega zodiaka. V turbulentnem letu, kot je leto 2020, bomo to še kako potrebovali.
In China, they are celebrating the Chinese New Year. It is also known as a spring festival of rejoicing the end of the cold winter. According to Chinese tradition, it falls under Rat’s rulership and promises the year of prosperity and happiness. In the turbulent times of 2020, we may need that more than anything.