Last Quarter in Libra


After weeks of Capricorn’s dominance and intensity, Mercury entered Aquarius yesterday. Together with Venus (currently in Pisces) and Mars (in Sagittarius) Mercury in Aquarius helps to balance the surplus of Capricorn energy. The moon is on its way to the last quarter, forming all dynamic aspects to the Capricorn planets. Interrelations are intense under this influence, so be mindful and stay aware of how we respond and act towards each other. The energy supports us in finishing up the activities of the week. Mercury in Aquarius is social; it loves to connect to like-minded people and finds unique and unusual ways of communicating. Thoughts and ideas become quick and sharp. Thinking outside of the box drives and makes Mercury in Aquarius happy and fulfilled.

Zadnji krajec v tehnici

Po nekaj tednih intezivnosti planetov v kozorogu, se je včeraj zvečer Merkur premaknil v znamenje vodnarja. Skupaj z Venero v ribah in Marsom v strelcu pomaga uravnovesti dominanco zemeljske, kozorogove energije. Trenutno luna potuje proti zadnjemu krajcu v tehnici in formira dinamične aspekte z vsemi planeti v kozorogu, zato previdno v medsebojnih odnosih, predvsem, v načinu odzivanja in delovanja. Energija nas podpira, da uspešno zaključimo aktivnosti tega tedna. Merkur v vodnarju je družaben, rad se povezuje z enako mislečimi ter razpravlja napredne, neobičajne načine komunikacije, misli in ideje postanejo hitre ter odrezave.
V večernih urah luna že prestopi v znamenje škorpijona in nas podpira, da si odpočijemo od napornega tedna ter se posvetimo času za regeneracijo in počitek.

In the evening hours the moon will find its way to Scorpio and let us quieten down, reflect upon the busy week and will support time for our regeneration and rest.

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