Mars enters Capricorn

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Today Mars leaves the sign of Sagittarius and enters its comfortable position in Capricorn, in which it has its exaltation; a strong position in astrology. In its 6-week stay, Mars in Capricorn will have quite a dynamic journey. Soon, Mars will activate last December’s solar eclipse, it is also in the OOB phase (Mars declination moves beyond the solar boundary) it will re-kindle January’s Saturn-Pluto conjunction and show the first dynamic between the Pluto and Jupiter conjunction.

What does it all mean? Certainly, spring is going to be dynamic, energetic, anything but ordinary or boring. To top it all, Mercury retrograde will finish through the last leg of its journey through Pisces.

Mars is the planet of action and the principle of our undertakings. It’s everything that drives us to achieve our ambitions and desires. It’s our internal engine to reach out to the world and strive for our goals. In Capricorn, Mars is determined and self-sacrificing. Capricorn reaches its objectives no matter the cost.  The rule of Capricorn still applies: the journey of small steps (Saturn) and cardinal principle (walks two steps forward and one backward).

The cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are under scrutiny, especially those who have angular points in these signs (ascendant-descendent, MC-IC) and personal planets in these signs as well.

Let the Mars journey through Capricorn be productive and prudent, the result of our past endeavours. Let us not forget that in this intensive period, it’s worthwhile to be patient and not too reactive. Wait for the picture to crystallise and slowly move forward. Mars in Capricorn will show you its gratitude.

READ NEXT  New moon in Sagittarius

Vstop Marsa v kozoroga

Danes Mars zapušča znamenje strelca ter vstopa v znamenje kozoroga, v katerem se zelo dobro počuti, saj ima v kozorogu svojo višino. V šesttedenskem obdobju bo imel Mars razgibano dinamiko; kmalu bo aktiviral decembrski sončni mrk, je v fazi OOB (izven sončeve maksimalne deklinacije) prav tako se bo dotaknil  januarske konjunkcije med Saturnom in Plutonom ter nakazal dinamiko med bodočo konjunkcijo med Plutonom in Jupitrom. Kaj vse to pomeni? Pomlad bo vsekakor dinamična, vse prej kot dolgočasna, saj bo poleg vsega naštetega še Merkur v zadnji tretjini svojega retrogradnega gibanja skozi znamenje rib.  

Mars je planet akcije in princip našega delovanja. Je vse kar nas žene k osvajanju naših ambicij in želja. Je naš notranji motor, da dosežemo tisto, kar si zadanemo. V kozorogu je vztrajen, požrtvovalen, za dosego svojih ciljev bo pripravljen narediti marsikaj, ne glede na ceno. Še vedno velja pot majhnih korakov ( Saturn) in kardinalni princip (dva koraka naprej ter enega nazaj, saj se ustraši sprememb). Pod drobnogledom smo vsi tisti, ki imamo kardinalne (oven, rak, tehnica, kozorog) kotne točke v karti (ascendent-descendent, MC-IC) ter osebne planete v kardinalnih znamenjih.

Naj bo Marsova pot skozi kozoroga produktivna, sad preteklega truda in ne pozabimo, da v tem intezivnem obdobju ne delujemo vedno na prvo žogo. Počakajmo in se ponovno lotimo dela, Mars v kozorogu nam bo hvaležen.          

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