Today, Jupiter, the planet of abundance and our belief systems, has come to a halt and has been stationary since morning. A stationary planet is very powerful, as the archetype of the planet and its characteristics are amplified.
Jupiter is in Gemini thus in its fall. This sign suppresses its natural virtues. It gathers diverse knowledge from everywhere but often does not delve deeply and is frequently indecisive, as many different things attract it equally.
During the time when Jupiter is retrograde, our orientation toward the outer world turns more toward our inner world. In Gemini, we will now review all the newly gathered knowledge. Are we mostly collecting ballast, or do we use some of it for personal growth? Jupiter’s desire to seek one single truth often leads it astray, resulting in the accumulation of too much useless knowledge. What needs to be trimmed away to make it practical and useful in daily life? Old notes and notebooks that have long lingered on our shelves can finally be let go, making room for new knowledge when Jupiter in Gemini is direct one last time in February next year.
Now is the time for introspection, to revise our knowledge, beliefs, and the ways we perceive and experience our outer world. It’s time to complete that course, seminar, or study that has been dragging on for too long. At the end of this inner work, a new path and direction for thinking and action will emerge, which is also the purpose of a planet’s retrograde.
The day is also infused with the reactivation of the eclipse from early April. At that time, the solar eclipse in Aries opened up a new path forward (a cardinal principle); now, however, we feel that things are coming to a stop, and we may have encountered our first conflict about how to proceed onwards. This is further reinforced by Pluto, which will turn direct next, at the last and critical degree of Capricorn. It feels like a heavy cloak weighing us down, yet it does not offer solutions.
The Moon has already entered the industrious Capricorn and is still in the Out of Bounds (OOB) phase. This means that the Moon is extreme and unpredictable, much like our current weather. It has also reached the highest peak from the boundary of the Sun’s declination, so soon extremes may not be expected as much as when the Moon was still reaching its maximum peak. Nonetheless, the week can be full of pleasant outcomes, unfortunately, unfavorable ones as well.